Envelope and Letter Fold Association

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

A4 envelope

Click for diagrams This was one of my first envelopes. I created it in 1999 and is also published in my booklet "Folding for fun", published in 2005.

Paula Versnick.

Druppel Envelope

Click for diagrams
This is an envelope made from a square I created in 2005. The sequence is logical and has in my opinion a certain rhytm. All the folds visible in the endresult are mountain folds.
It resembles a raindrop or teardrop, hence the Dutch name "Druppel" which means "drop".

Paula Versnick.


ELFA in concept

This is the weblog of the Envelope and Letterfold Association, ELFA.
This is still in concept. In the future there will be many diagrams to fold envelopes and letters.

But for now, you will only get a few.